Many abstracts and overviews are available at ResearchGate.
McGee, JL, E Wiedner, and R Isaza. 2014. Prenatal passive transfer of Mycobacterium tuberculosis antibodies in Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) calves. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine . 45(4): 955-957.
Isaza, R, E Wiedner, S Hiser, and C Cray. 2014. Reference intervals for acute phase protein and serum protein electrophoresis values in captive Asian elephants J Vet Diag Invest. 26(5): 616-621.
Wiedner, E, J Holland, J Trupkiewicz, & F Uzal. 2014. Severe laminitis in multiple zoo species. Vet Quart. 34(1): 22-28.
Stanton, JJ, J-C Zong, C Eng, L Howard, J Flanagan, M Stevens, D Schmitt, E Wiedner, D Graham, RE Junge, MA Weber, M Fischer, A Mejia, J Tan, E Latimer, A Herron, GS Hayward, and PD Ling. 2013. Kinetics of viral loads and genotypic analysis of elephant endotheliotropic herpesvirus-1 infection in captive Asian elephants (Elephas maximus). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 44(1): 42-54.
Wiedner, E. 2013. Pneumococcus. In: Infectious Disease Manual 2013, 2nd Edition, American Association of Zoo Veterinarians.
Wiedner, E. 2013. Yellow Fever. In: Infectious Disease Manual 2013, 2nd Edition, American Association of Zoo Veterinarians.
Wiedner, E, WA Lindsay, and R Isaza. 2012. Management of zebras and zebra hybrids (zebroids). Compendium: Clin Educ Vet. 34(9): E1-E9.
Hall, N, R Isaza, J Hall, E Wiedner, B Conrad and H Walmsley. 2012. Serum osmolality and effects of water deprivation in captive Asian elephant (Elephas maximus). J Vet Diag Investig. 24(4): 688-695.
Wiedner, EB, J.Peddie, LR Peddie, N Abou-Madi, GV Kollias, C Doyle, WA Lindsay, R Isaza, S Terrell, TM Lynch, K Johnson, G Johnson, C Sammut, B Daft and F Uzal. 2012. Strangulating intestinal obstructions in four captive elephants (Elephas maximus and Loxodonta africana). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 43(1): 125-130.
Coomer, AR, DD Lewis, E Wiedner, R Isaza, MD Winters, F Aloisio and R Poole. 2012. Stabilization of Juxta-Physeal Distal Tibial and Fibular Fractures in a Juvenile Tiger Using a Hybrid Circular–Linear External Fixator. Vet Surg. 41:248–253.
Chowdry, P, C Eng, I Recchio, and E Wiedner. 2011. Saprolegniasis in a Chinese giant salamander (Andria davidianus). J Herp Med Surg. 21(2-3): 43-44.
Wiedner, EB, NY Takeuchi, R Isaza, and D Barber. 2011. Baseline levels of trace metals in blood of captive Asian elephants (Elephas maximus). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 42(2): 360-362.
Lindsay, WA, EB Wiedner, R Isaza, HGG Townsend, M Boleslawski, and DP Lunn. 2010. Immune responses of Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) to commercial tetanus toxoid vaccine. Vet Immunol Immunopath. 133: 287-289.
Myers, DA, E Wiedner, CA Smith, EC Greiner, and C Nunnery. 2010. Cutaneous periocular habronema infection in a dromedary camel (Camelus dromedarius). Vet Derm. 21(5):527-530.
Wiedner, EB, R. Alleman, and R Isaza. 2009. Urinalysis in Asian elephants (Elephas maximus). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 40: 659-666.
Wiedner, EB, & D Schmitt. 2009. Captive elephant medicine: Recent developments. J Asian Elephant Specialist Group. 31:25-28.
Bartlett, SL, N Abou-Madi, MC Kraus, EB Wiedner, SR Starkey, and GV Kollias. 2009. Electrocardiography of the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 40: 466-473.
Wiedner, EB, C Gray, P Rich, GL Jacobson, R Isaza, D Schmitt, and WA Lindsay. 2008. Non-surgical repair of an umbilical hernia in two Asian elephant calves (Elephas maximus ).Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 39: 248-251.
Wiedner, EB, R Isaza, WA Lindsay, AL Case, J Decker, and J Roberts. 2008. Pericardial mesothelioma in a Bengal tiger (Panthera tigris). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 39(1): 121-123.
Wiedner, EB, R Isaza, LE Galle, K Barrie and WA Lindsay. 2006. Medical management of a corneal stromal abscess in a female Asian elephant (Elephas maximus). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 37(3): 397-400.
Wiedner, EB, LL Couëtil, M Levy and JE Sojka. 2006. Purpura hemorrhagica. Comp Clin Educ Practicing Vet – Equine Ed. 1(2): 82-93.
Wiedner, EB, LA Horstman, SB Hooser and M Levy. 2005 Toxicosis in cattle caused by a discontinued organophosphorus insecticide (Fonofos). Bovine Pract. 39: 24-28.