Invited Lectures
- 2016: Geriatric Elephant Care, Elephant Managers Association, Annual Conference Workshop, Oklahoma City, OK
- 2016: Elephant Foot Care Lectures and Workshop: Zoo Leon, Mexico.
- 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012: Veterinary Information Network: 8 hour on-line course for RACE credit for graduate veterinarians on Camelid medicine. (Repeated annually by popular demand.)
- 2016, 2015, 2014: North American Veterinary Conference, Orlando, FL: Lectures for Zoo Day & One-Health Day.
- 2014: United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Large Carnivore Meeting, Kansas City, MO. Lectures on Transportation of large cats and bears; Veterinary issues of geriatric large cats and bears.
- 2014: AAZV annual meeting, pre-forum course, Polk City, FL Lectures on Elephant clinical pathology and Elephant nutrition.
- 2012: Peradiniya University, Sri Lanka. Lectures on Elephant Endotheliotropic Herpesvirus and Management of geriatric ungulates in Zoos.
- 2012: Guadalajara Zoo, Guadalajara, Mexico. Lectures on Geriatric zoo animals.
- 2010-2015: Principles of Elephant Management I, II and Zoo Directors Course. Sponsored by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums, Wheeling, WV, Houston Zoo, Houston, TX, Disney Animal Kingdom, Orlando, FL. Lectures for veterinarians, curators, and elephant care staff.
- 2012: Veterinary Information Network: 4 hour on-line course for RACE credit for graduate veterinarians on Small Ruminant (sheep and goats) and Camelid (llamas and alpacas) Reproduction.
- 2012: Veterinary Information Network: 4 hour on-line course for RACE credit for graduate veterinarians on Emergencies of Small Ruminants and Camelids.
- 2011 Zoonotic Disease. Los Angeles Zoo and Botanical Gardens. Los Angeles, CA. Lectures for keeper and curatorial staff.
- 2009: American Veterinary Medical Association Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA. Six lectures hours on Elephant medicine.
- 2008: Shades of Gray: An Introduction to Elephant Medicine. (with Dennis Schmitt) Clinical Rounds, Veterinary Information Network (VIN), .
Academic Lectures
- 2015: Medicine & Surgery of Wild Ungulates, on-line, real-time official continuing education course for graduate veterinarians from Central and South America, sponsored by IMFAC,
- 2015: Medicine & Surgery of Camelids, on-line, real-time official continuing education course for graduate veterinarians from Central and South America, sponsored by IMFAC.
- 2014: Rabbits and GI Disease, VEM 5624, Diseases of ferrets, rabbits and rodents, University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine. Lecture for third year students.
- 2008: University of Georgia, College of Veterinary Medicine. Lecture on Bactrian and Dromedary Camel Medicine.
- 2007: University of Florida, College of Veterinary Medicine, Old World Camelids for course in Megavertebrate Medicine (VEM 4333) for third year veterinary students.
- 2007-2010: University of Florida, College of Veterinary Medicine: 5 lecture hours annually on small ruminant and camelid medicine for course in Ruminant Medicine (VEM 5355) for third and fourth year veterinary students.